Reusable alternatives to makeup wipes and disposable makeup remover pads

Reusable alternatives to makeup wipes and disposable makeup remover pads

While we can accept the fact that disposable makeup wipes and cotton pads do wonders for our skin care and beauty routine, from an environmental point of view, they are a disaster:

  • Disposable makeup wipes are typically not degradable or recyclable
  • Many end up flushed down the toilet and clogging our waterways
  • Cotton takes a lot of water to produce and is often grown using pesticides (unless organically grown), so even if the disposable cotton rounds are biodegradable they are not exactly eco-friendly.

With consumers becoming more aware of the impact on the environment, many have moved to reusable alternatives such as machine washable makeup pads, facial cleansing pads, face washers or mini wash cloths.

What are reusable makeup remover pads?

Typically they are round pieces of fabric (cotton, microfibre, bamboo or crochet) interlocked together to create a pad which can be washed in a washing machine and reused over and over again. The durability and softness of the pads will vary depending on the fabrics chosen. As they are machine washable, these reusable makeup pads generally have a lower impact on the environment than disposable makeup wipes, face wipes or disposable cotton pads, however there are a number of factors to consider outlined below.

Types of reusable makeup pads

Bamboo makeup remover pads:

  • From a sustainability perspective bamboo is naturally occurring, fast-growing, it requires no fertilizer or pesticide, it self-regenerates from its own roots and uses much less water than cotton.
  • Bamboo is antibacterial, hypoallergenic, very soft, so is perfect for use on your skin and face
  • When cared for properly bamboo can last 3 times longer than cotton

Cotton makeup remover pads:

  • Having washable cotton makeup removed pads is definitely better than disposable makeup wipes or cotton face rounds
  • Cotton is a relatively durable fabric and is soft and hypoallergenic
  • When looking at the sustainability of cotton products it important to consider the amount of water and pesticide used, buying organic can provide peace of mind on the pesticide front

Microfibre makeup remover pads:

  • Microfiber is a synthetic fibre made from polyester and or nylon
  • They are absorbent, durable, and no pesticide is used in the production, however as it is a plastic fibre they contribute to micro plastics in our oceans when washed.

Crochet face scrubbies:

  • You can buy or make your own crocheted face scrubbies if you are after added exfoliation, the weave of the crochet will scrub your skin.
  • Crochet face scrubbers sustainability will depend on the yarn you choose whether bamboo, cotton, or synthetic fibre.

Uses for reusable makeup remover pads.

Reusable makeup remover pads are very versatile, some of the uses include:

  • removing makeup with water or micellar water
  • facial cleansing with soap or your favourite cleanser or scrub
  • applying face creams, masks or other products to your skin
  • touching your face with a clean cloth or pad is more hygienic than using your fingers
  • the fibers of the fabric can get deep into your pores for a deeper clean

Reusable makeup remover pads are versatile, washable and easy to use. We prefer bamboo pads due to their durability and softness. Many of these makeup pads come with their own wash bag making it super easy to keep track of them in the wash. It is always best to use a wash bag with your makeup pads to ensure they do not get mixed up in the wash. You can shop our collection of makeup remover pads here.

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