Tips for reducing plastic consumption.

Did you know that only 9% of plastics ever made worldwide have been recycled?!
Choosing reusable products and limiting your consumption of plastics can have a big impact. Each bar of natural soap or solid shampoo you use can replace up to 3 plastic bottles worth of liquid. Not only will this help to save the world it is also cheaper!
Here are a few more ways you can reduce your plastic use: 
  • Buy a good quality water bottle and take it with you in your car or bag, this will reduce your need to buy single use plastic bottles. You can also look for a drinking fountain if you forget your bottle. 
  • For those lovers of cafe coffee and tea, using a reusable coffee cup instead of a disposable takeaway cup will have a big impact on your footprint. Opting for an insulated stainless steel or Huskee cup will also keep your coffee hotter for longer. 
  • Remembering to bring your own reusable shopping bags and mesh produce bags when shopping for groceries will avoid the use of plastic bags.
  • Saying "no straw please" when you order a cold drink to avoid a single use plastic straw. If you prefer to drink from a straw you can use a stainless steel or silicone reusable straw there are a range of colours and sizes available. 
  • Bringing your own lunch to work or school will reduce unnecessary plastic packaging from takeaway food. 

Making a number of small changes over time can have a big impact. Keep at it and take it one step at a time! 


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